Ten Little Indians

Producers Marie Haluza
Janet Espinosa
Director Marion Pintello
Stage Manager April Ouellette
Tech Coordinator Bruce Rideout
Props Coordinator Steve Spencer
Costume Coordinator Christine McElroy
House Manager Beth Dewey
Set Designer Whitney McClelland
Master Carpenter Rich Kaiser
Tom Rogers Chris Souza
Mrs. Rogers Lynda Hawks
Fred Narracott Mark Fedalizo
Vera Claythorne Ariane Borgia
Philip Lombard John Brewer
Anthony Marston Luke Rideout
William Blore Dick DeBolt
General MacKenzie Bill Corneth
Emily Brent Patricia Cianci
Sir Lawrence Wargrave Rod Pintello
Dr. Armstrong Kae Jenny-Spencer

Agatha Christie tale of 10 people invited by a Mr. Owens to spend a weekend at his remote mountaintop home. After dinner, they learn via a tape recording that they’ve been invited to the house to pay for their crimes. The accusations are well-founded and unable to leave the house, the guests are being killed off one by one. The private detective in the group thinks that their host is likely hiding in the house somewhere. Judge Arthur Cannon thinks the killer is a member of the group and he proves to be correct.