Fiddler on the Roof

Producer Lynette Williams
Assistant Producer Martha Holder
Director/Choreographer Debbie Nelson
Associate Director Mary Ann Bruegman
Assistant Director Louise Smith
Musical Director Creighton Yip
Technical Director Ron Williams
Stage Manager Rusty McMillan
Set Design Dwight McBride
Tevye Charles-Edward Spoerri
Golde Carol Maya
Tzeitel Jannine Carrera
Hodel Teri Green
Chava Laura Youngwerth
Shprintze Katie Amstutz
Bielke Amy Allen
Yente Madeline La Plant
Perchik Robert D. Flanigan
Lazar Wolf James Mead Maya
Mordcha Jack L. Ray
Rabbi James F Aceves
Avrahm Herb Strandberg
Nachum Dan Palmerlee
Gramma Tzeitel Virginia Bencje
Fruma-Sarah Cindi Stevens
Constable Walter von Tagen III
Fyedka Glen Rose
Sasha David Sperbeck
Russian SInger Jim Barlow
Russian Dancer David Yanez
Shandel Ann H. Zuhr
Yussel Dan Palmerlee
Priest Robert Infelise
The Fiddler Michael Pacciorini

This beloved musical is set in Tsarist Russia in 1905 and is based on the story of Tevye the Milkman by Sholem Aleichem. The story follows Tevye, the father of five daughters, as he tries to uphold tradition in an ever changing political and social landscape. During a period of change for Russian Jews, the family learn to cope with the decline of Tsarist Russia and the tough laws enforced on the family and the village of Anatevka. The musical is extremely popular all over the world, and was the first Broadway show to play for over 3000 performances. The original production ran for almost 10 years. Numerous revivals and a film adaptation keep introducing the show to new audiences.

Photos by Eugene’s Salon of Photograph