Wait Until Dark

Producer Rosalie Andrews
Director Debbie Nelson
Technical Director/Stage Manager Rod Pintello
Set Designer Joe Cardinelli
Susy Hendrix Rosalind Farotte
Harry Roat Eric McDonald
Sam Hendrix Eric Hilding
Gloria Jamie Ferraris
Mike Bob Fairless
Carlino Greg Guerin
Officer #One Steven Schumann
Officer #Two Terri Koehn

Frederick Knott’s thriller is the story of Susy Hendrix, a recently blinded housewife who unwittingly possesses a doll filled with illicit drugs. Harry Roat, a brutal and sophisticated criminal, coerces two small-time thugs into helping him con Susy into giving up the doll. A battle of wits ensues as Susy and the young girl upstairs launch a counterplot against the thieves. The drama plays on the themes of darkness and light as Susy navigates through her sightless world, and the crooks signal each other with light through the Venetian blinds.

Above photos by Eugene’s Salon of Photography

Above photos by Kai S. Lai