Heaven Can Wait

Producers Bob & Shirley McGee
Director Betsy Andrade
Set Designers Bob McGee
Betsy Andrade
Light & Sound Designer Paul Skelton
Costume Coordinator Diane Bauman
Stage Manager Leila Arias-Osler
Master Carpenter Bob McGee
(In alphabetical order)
Lefty Tony Andrade
Mr. Jordan Bill Corneth
Mrs. Aimes Taniesa Dedrick
Messenger 7013 Bill Dougherty
Susie, a maid Janet Espinosa
Bette Logan Leigh Garay
Ann, a maid Cheryl Jessel
Plainclothesman, workman Jason Jessel
The Dog Chiisal Leneave
Tony Abbott Peter mandel
Doctor Bob McGee
Second Escort Scott Navlyt
First Escort, the Nurse Courtney Ottoboni
Julia Farnsworth Marion Pintello
Max Levene Rod Pintello
Police Inspector Williams Dan walters
Joe Pendleton Bruce Williams

Mr. Jordan is checking passengers who are to depart in an airplane for the Hereafter. The routine is interrupted by the arrival of Joe Pendleton, an attractive prizefighter, who refuses to admit he is dead and induces Jordan to look up the “records,” which reveal that Joe is not scheduled to arrive for another 60 years! But, as Joe starts to return to earth to continue his fighting, word reaches Heaven that Max Levene, Joe’s manager, thinking he had been killed, had Joe’s body cremated, and Joe has no body to return to. Jordan promises to find Joe another body and is informed that the wealthy Jonathan Farnsworth is about to be murdered by his wife. So Joe suddenly finds himself in the home of the financier, visible as Joe to the audience but apparently as Farnsworth to Mrs. Farnsworth, and the public. The comedy begins when the pompous “Farnsworth” unaccountably goes into training as a fighter.