2016-2017 Members’ Choice Award Nominations

Best Show: Footloose The Musical

————————————Individual Nominations—————————————

Youth Roles

Best Actress Ensemble (Youth)

Makayla Hoiberg
“Ship’s Pilot”
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Isabella Beninger
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Avery Dubenko
“Alphie / Oompa Loompa”
Willy Wonka

Best Actress Minor (Youth)

Julia Millward
“Chef Louis”
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Zoe Chamberlain
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Best Actress Supporting (Youth)

Tegan Leong
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Maya King
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Catherine Drayton
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Lean Grifall
“Veruca Salt”
Willy Wonka

Jillian Puente
“Violet Beauregarde”
Willy Wonka

Best Actress Lead (Youth)

Emily Pember
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Jenna Hernandez
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Maya King
“Charlie Bucket”
Willy Wonka

Best Actor Ensemble (Youth)

Josh Watts
“Squawking Seagull”
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Cooper Jardine
“Carp Fish”
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Landon Sepulveda
“Oompa Loompa”
Willy Wonka

Best Actor Minor (Youth)

Tim Piper
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Jonathan Spencer
“Oompa Loompa
Willy Wonka

Best Actor Supporting Role (Youth)

Paul Maack
“King Triton”
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Best Actor Lead Role (Youth)

Gannon Janisch
“Prince Eric”
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Teen Roles

Best Actress Ensemble (Teen)

Catherine Drayton
Footloose The Musical

Lauren DeRosa
“Jeter” / Cowboy Bob’s Band
Footloose The Musical

Sierra McKenna
Footloose The Musical

Best Actress Minor Role (Teen)

Brianna Pember
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Becca Snook
“Betty Blast”
Footloose The Musical

Rebecca Reynolds
“Wendy Jo”
Footloose The Musical

Emily Pember
Footloose The Musical

Hannah Satterlee
“Irene Gordon / Usher / Saloon Girl”
Act One

Best Actress Supporting Role (Teen)

Melodie Knappe
“Ethel McCormack”
Footloose The Musical

Mia Veltri
Footloose The Musical

Paetra Rottman
“Vi Moore”
Footloose The Musical

Best Actress Lead Role (Teen)

Brianna Pember
“Ariel Moore”
Footloose The Musical

Best Actor Ensemble (Teen)

Carter Sepulveda
Footloose The Musical

Nick Quijano
“Cowboy Bob’s Band”
Footloose The Musical

Best Actor Minor Role (Teen)

Carter Sepulveda
“Grandpa George”
Willy Wonka

Nick Bell
Footloose The Musical

Paul Maack
Footloose The Musical

Best Actor Supporting Role (Teen)

Ben Snook
“Willard Hewitt”
Footloose The Musical

Andrew Stebbins
“Chuck Cranston”
Footloose The Musical

Jacob Goller
“Wally Ferguson”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Sean O’Connor
“Mike Teavee”
Willy Wonka

Best Actor Lead Role (Teen)

Jacob Goller
“Reverend Shaw Moore”
Footloose The Musical

Eddie Garcia-Flores
“Ren McCormack”
Footloose The Musical

Adult Roles

Best Actress Minor Role

Joyce Bedard
“Grandma Josephine”
Willy Wonka

Robin Harris
“Grandma Georgina”
Willy Wonka

Carol Harris
“Zoot Doubleman”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Best Actress Supporting Role

Roberta Vinkhuyzen
Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike

Lindsay Sommers
“Connie Miller”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Jenafer Thompson
“Geneva Lee Browne”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Megan Griffin
“Mrs. Gloop”
Willy Wonka

Best Actress Leading Role

Denee Lewis
Vanya & Sonya & Masha & Spike

Adrianne Wilkinson
Vanya & Sonya & Masha & Spike

Joy Reynolds
“Ann Collier”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Megan Griffin
“Ginger Brooks”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Best Actor Minor Role

James Daniel Pearson
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Javier Garcia
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Joe Hartman
“Mr. Bucket”
Willy Wonka

Best Actor Supporting Role

Tyler Savin
Vanya & Sonya & Masha & Spike

Rob Christopher
“Neal Tilden”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Steven Zbin
“BJ Gibson”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Chris Souza
“Grandpa Joe”
Willy Wonka

Best Actor Leading Role

Peter Mandel
“Clifton Feddington”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Tom Hepner
“Johnny Cantone”
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Scott Lynch
Vanya & Sonya & Masha & Spike

Jason Harris
“Willy Wonka”
Willy Wonka

————————————- Staff Nominations ————————————

Best Director

Colleen Blanchard
Disney’s The Little Mermaid

Buddy Butler
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Alan Chipman
Footloose The Musical

Myra Kaelin
Vanya & Sonya & Masha & Spike

Carol Harris
Willy Wonka

Best Vocal Director

Tammy Piper
Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr.

Carol Harris
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Joy Reynolds
Footloose The Musical

Carol Harris
Willy Wonka

Best Music Director

Carol Harris
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Best Choreographer

Liana Kishi & Jennifer Grifall
Disney’s The Little Mermaid

Jyovonne Montosa
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Jyovonne Montosa
Footloose The Musical

Jyovonne Montosa
Willie Wonka

Best Costume Designer

Alice Gracey
Disney’s The Little Mermaid

Michelle Griffin
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Cara Kaiser
Footloose The Musical

Elizabeth Wagner
Vanya & Sonya & Masha & Spike

Michelle Griffin
Willy Wonka

Best Set & Scenic Designer

Colleen Blanchard, Larry Tom, Jason Leong
Disney’s The Little Mermaid

Carol Harris & Bill Tindall
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Tiffany Goller & Jason Leong
Footloose The Musical

Scott Lynch, Bill Tindall, Jason Leong
Vanya & Sonya & Masha & Spike

Robin Bezanson
Willy Wonka

————————————- Best Show ————————————

Producers: Kathy tom, Jason Leong, Pam Drayton
Disney’s The Little Mermaid

Producer: Elizabeth Mandel
The 1940’s Radio Hour

Producers:Tracy Van Gundy & Marianne Snook
Footloose The Musical

Producer: Mary Dokter
Vanya & Sonya & Masha & Spike

Producers: Robin Bezanson, Tiffany Goller, Nicole Corbo<
Willy Wonka