God of Carnage

Producers Matthew Hendrickson
Donna Cowan
Director Bryan Freeman
Costumer Mary Dokter
Set Designers Bryan Freeman
Matthew Hendrickson
Master Carpenter Matthew Hendrickson
Stage Manager Bridget Harnett
Sound Tori Bell
Lighting Designers Bryan Freeman
Matthew Hendrickson
House Manager Pam Drayton
Properties Lori Foster
Program Designer Scott Lynch
Alan Raleigh Peter Mandel
Annette Raleigh Beth Harnett
Michael Novak Doug Doughty
Veronica Novak Karyn Rondeau

Set in present-day New York City, God of Carnage is the story of two married couples who meet for the first time shortly after their respective sons have a nasty schoolyard tangle. Michael and Veronica, whose son’s teeth were knocked out with a stick, invite Alan and Annette, whose son did the knocking, to their home to settle matters. But any attempt at having a civilized discussion about whose child is responsible for the fight, and how the parents may have influenced such destructive behavior, quickly devolves into finger-pointing, name-calling, stomping around, and throwing things. And that’s before they break out the rum!

Photos by Elizabeth Mandel