Audition for Unnecessary Farce – November 16 & 17

Open auditions are scheduled for SVCT’s production of the hilarious play Unnecessary Farce, opening April 26, 2025 at the Morgan Hill Community Playhouse.

Two cops. Three crooks. Eight doors. Go. In a cheap motel room, an embezzling mayor is supposed to meet with his female accountant, while in the room next-door, two undercover cops wait to catch the meeting on videotape. But there’s some confusion as to who’s in which room, who’s being videotaped, who’s taken the money, who’s hired a hitman, and why the accountant keeps taking off her clothes.

This is another very funny play by by Paul Slade Smith, who will be familiar to our audiences as the playwright for The Outsider, performed by Limelight by SVCT in 2022.

Unnecessary Farce

Directed by Allie Bailey

Audition Dates

  • Saturday, November 16, 12 – 3 pm
  • Sunday, November 17, 6 – 9 pm


  • Sunday, November 24, by appointment only

Auditions and callbacks will be held at SVCT’s warehouse, Building G2, 16840 Joleen Way in Morgan Hill.

Rehearsals and Performances

  • Rehearsals will begin at SVCT’s warehouse on Sunday, March 2. Rehearsals will typically be Sundays, 6-9 pm and Mondays through Thursdays, 7-10 pm. Rehearsals at the Morgan Hill Playhouse for the final dress rehearsal week will start earlier, at 6 pm.
  • Evening Performances:  April 26;  May 2, 3, 9, 16
  • Matinee Performances:  April 27; May 4, 10, 11, 17

Additional staff details can be found HERE.

Characters – Role details  are available HERE.

Scheduling and Preparing for Your Audition

    • Click here to access and complete an audition form. Here you can also upload your headshot and resume. This should be completed and submitted no later than November 15.
    • Click here  to reserve an audition slot, or contact if you need to arrange for an alternative time
    • Please prepare a 1-2 minute comedic monologue.

    In person auditions are preferred. However, if you are unable to attend either audition date, video auditions may be emailed to  Please video your name, and your monologue, and  be sure to also complete and submit the above audition form. Video auditions should also be submitted by November 15.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

South Valley Civic Theatre expects that all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual identity, culture, age, gender expression, background, ability, economic status, education, credentials and experience have the opportunity to be engaged in our programming. .We encourage all actors to audition.

Audition Tips

  1.  Read the audition notice carefully. If you are on SVCT’s mailing list, you will have received an audition notice. It will specify what you are expected to prepare in advance–a song, a monologue, etc.–and how/whether to sign up for an audition in advance.
  2. Consider bringing a resume and head shot to the audition. If you do not, a photo will be taken of you there and you will have the opportunity to write resume details on your audition form. However, having them prepared in advance means you will have that much less to deal with at the audition.
  3. When in doubt… audition! The best way to master auditioning is to do it over and over; you’ll conquer those nerves and you’ll get to practice your acting and singing. As you become more comfortable with auditioning, you will find it easier to get into character and your acting will become more natural.
  4. Do advance homework. Learn a bit about the show you are auditioning for and the parts you are interested in. Practice how you might characterize the part you would like to play. If auditioning for a major singing role, prepare an audition  song that reflects the style and range of a song that character sings, but do not choose a song from the play for which you are auditioning. If auditioning for a non-musical drama or comedy, prepare a monologue that reflects the nature of the part for which you are auditioning or the play. (If you are auditioning for a chorus part, the previous guidelines are not as important.)
  5. Come prepared. Be on time–15 minutes early is even better. If auditioning for a musical, bring shoes you can dance in and wear comfortable (but not sloppy) clothing. Bring two copies of sheet music for your audition song (preferably) or an accompaniment CD, or be prepared to sing a capella. If you have them, bring a resume (preferably on a single sheet of paper) and/or a head shot. If you will be delivering a monologue, bring a copy.
  6. Relax and enjoy the experience!

The Audition Process at  SVCT

Auditions are usually held 9-12 weeks prior to a show’s opening. People on our mailing list will receive a postcard in advance, notifying them of the upcoming audition details. (If you are not yet on our mailing list, click here to join the list.) Each audition usually includes 3 sessions on a Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday. Unless otherwise specified, auditions are held at SVCT’s warehouse, Building G2, 16840 Joleen Way in  Morgan Hill.

If you are interested in being in the show, but are unavailable for the scheduled auditions, please notify the producer. An alternate audition time, although not guaranteed, may be arranged at the producers’ and director’s discretion.

If the audition panel is undecided about some part casting after the auditions, callbacks may be scheduled. Callback times and dates will be listed on the information provided to the actors at the auditions.

After the cast list is finalized, it will be posted on the warehouse office window, on SVCT’s website, and through SVCT’s social media (Facebook and Instagram).