We will be casting for the roles of nine female high school soccer players aged 16-17 and one soccer mom.

In this contemporary slice-of-life play, The Wolves, a girls’ indoor soccer team, practice drills as they prepare for a succession of games. As they warm up and talk about life, the girls navigate the politics of their personal lives as well as the politics of the larger world, gossiping about things like war, menstrual products, genocide, sports, pop culture, and their relationships. Each team member struggles to negotiate her individuality while being a part of a group. They bond over a bag of orange slices and personal traumas. The team seems as if it may disband after the sudden death of one of the girls, but they manage to come together. In the end, the surviving team players prepare to play yet another game together – closer, stronger, wiser, and fiercer.


Directed by Carol Harris

Audition Dates

  • Friday, May 5, 7:00 pm
  • Saturday, May 6, 9:00 am
  • Sunday, May 7, 2:00 pm


Rehearsals and Performances

  • Rehearsals begin July 17 and will be held Sunday afternoons and Monday through Thursday evenings at the Gilroy Center for the Arts (7341 Monterey Rd, Gilroy, CA)
  • Evening Performances: September 8, 9, 15, and 16 at 8:00 pm
  • Matinee Performances: September 10 and 17 at 2:00 pm.


Scheduling and Preparing for Your Audition

  • Click here for descriptions of the roles we will be filling.
  • Click here for a complete audition packet.containing links to all forms and sides to be learned in preparation for your audition.
  • Click here to reserve an audition slot or to submit your information to arrange another time with the production team.
  • If you prefer to fill out your form on paper, rather than using the online sign up form noted above, please click here for an audition form. Please complete the form and bring it to your audition, along with a headshot and a list of all potential conflicts..
  • At the audition, you will have a chance to present a 1-2 minute monologue of your choosing. This is recommended but not required. The director will then ask you to read a scene (included on page 7 of the packet). Memorization is strongly encouraged but not required. The director may ask you to read the scene multiple times in different ways.

Covid Protocols

Full vaccination is required for all participants in this production. If you are not yet vaccinated, please check https://myturn.ca.gov/ to schedule an appointment at a vaccination site near you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the
show’s producer at limelight@SVCT.org. In person rehearsals may use masks based on the COVID risk assessment for the cast. Cast will need to be able to minimize their exposure risk for COVID, and be willing to take COVID tests as necessary.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

South Valley Civic Theatre expects that all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual identity, culture, age, gender expression, background, ability, economic status, education, credentials and experience have the opportunity to be engaged in our programming. We encourage all actors to audition.